Family, family, family…


Some time has passed since I enjoyed the warmth of all my family getting together, it happened few months ago during a trip I have tried to describe in this blog before, yet still pending in my drafts. While many people share dinner or play board games with their families every weekend, for us getting together requires more planning and coordination.

We decided to spend this holiday season with our family, every single day, every major event and every meal, I bet these holidays will create very long lasting memories.   Less than a week ago CG (yes, working on a nickname for my little one) was very curious during a little ceremony we had to place the Christmas tree star, she was amazed with the colorful tree, the Nativity Scene, the brightness of the star and grandpa climbing a little ladder to do the honors, she started to feel the real meaning of Christmas. Later that night CG met her new cousin, she was looking at her like a big sister would do, touching her gently and making sure she was taken care of, seems that CG understands that there is a family connection just right there.  

Later in the week we traveled to the beach to meet the other side of the family, sun, sand, water and a plastic swimming pool it’s all they needed to have fun, laugh, play hot potato and share snacks like they see each other every day. 

CG swam for the first time in a huge pool next to the beach and built sand castles, she spent countless hours playing with her cousins, uncles, aunts and grandpas, she is really getting to know her entire family.

Watching CG enjoy her family like this and creating these amazing moments reminds me how important is to stay close to each other and spend quality time with the family.

I am speachless when I see how they make her feel part of the same “circle” even when she lives far away and has very little contact with them. FaceTime works but it is not the same.

If I had to pick the best thing during this trip, I would say the sense of ownership, safety and care for each other has been the best, to me that describes the meaning of family right now.

At some point we will go back home, will be physically far away again, will miss each other touch, but we will keep the memories of these days to remind us how important our family is.

Every day since I moved out from my parents home and then to another country, I think about these family ties and the physical distance between us. It is part of growing up, building a professional career and a family of my own. During these holidays I am rediscovering that our family is the escense of what we are today and will be the heart of what CG will become in the future. 

If there is anything I can do for her, is to keep her close to our family and teach her the importance of staying together.


One thought on “Family, family, family…

  1. Pedro tiburcio glez de la vegs

    Mi querido hijo me da mucho gusto que tu hija mi nieta este con esos sentimientos la sangre llama yo el dia que la conosi y la carge senti esa ternura cariño y afinidad Hijo tu sabes cuanto te quiero y te querre toda la vida en mi corazon esta tu familia y ojala tengas la oportunidad de traer un dia a mi nieta a esta su casa la tierra de tu abuelo pedro y te adeguro que se va a dibertir mucho y si como tu dices voy a planear el año que entra para estar con ustedes donde este seria muy padre estar todos juntos yo le dije a tu mama que tenia una casa con alberca y 3/4 habitaciones psra ustedes bueno eso no se pudo espero el año entrante estar contigo y tu familia te mando mil bendiciones un brazo un beso y todo mi amor te quiero eres mi primer hijo y diempre lo seras


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